Create and manage a reading list stored in your bookmarks that can be synced with your profile or other bookmarks syncing extension.
To access this extension visit the Chrome store.
Privacy policy
tl;dr: We don't want your data.
Our extension does not use cookies.
Web analytics
Our extension does not include analytics functionality. You are not tracked by us when using this extension.
Local storage
Your preferences for this extension is stored using your browser's storage. Access to local storage is controlled by your browser.
Web Forms
Web forms allow you to interact with the the chrome extension only. No data is transmitted to us or any third party.
Data storage and transmission
Information stored using the forms in this extension is stored in your bookmarks. This extension does not transmit your bookmarks to us or any third party.
Should you choose sync your bookmarks using another extension or built-in profile or bookmarks syncing functionality of your browser, their privacy policy will apply to your synced data.
Updated: 27 November 2021